Need help troubleshooting my old gaming rig using monitoring software


Sep 30, 2012
My 5 year old desktop with a perfect track record has just started freezing up while playing games. I updated the GPU drivers with the installers clean install feature and did my best to remove dust with an almost empty can. I'm not sure how to trouble shoot what is causing this issue so I ran OCCT and got my desktop to crash playing Fortnite.

It seems like the CPU and GPU temps are within operating limits (sub 80C) but from the charts it also looks like the CPU temp builds to 65C and then plummets as soon as it hits 65C. This leads me to believe that the CPU is overheating but 65C is not really that hot.

Both Fortnite and PUBG run great until I hit the ground and run around for a few minutes then they freeze up for a few seconds briefly unfreeze and then freeze again before crashing. I was playing Fortnite and PUBG yesterday for hours with no issues whatsoever.

Thank you!
with a 5 year old pc there may be a bad part and or old thermal paste. start with the asus mb make sure it has the newest bios file on it to fix any bugs. from seagate download and run seatools check that your drive has the newest firmware there been some buggie firmware for the 7200 drives. if the drive passes vendor test use hdtune read drive smart info see if there any warnings. download newest intel chipset drivers. if your using the old stock cooler or a replacment one pick up some thermal paste and wipes and clean and repate the cpu cooler. also change the cmos battery if the mb 5 years old it may still be posting but it getting old. if games still crash and there no waranty on the gpu. try to repaste it. on the ram bott from a...
with a 5 year old pc there may be a bad part and or old thermal paste. start with the asus mb make sure it has the newest bios file on it to fix any bugs. from seagate download and run seatools check that your drive has the newest firmware there been some buggie firmware for the 7200 drives. if the drive passes vendor test use hdtune read drive smart info see if there any warnings. download newest intel chipset drivers. if your using the old stock cooler or a replacment one pick up some thermal paste and wipes and clean and repate the cpu cooler. also change the cmos battery if the mb 5 years old it may still be posting but it getting old. if games still crash and there no waranty on the gpu. try to repaste it. on the ram bott from a usb stick and run memtest over night. the last points of issue can be a bad cap in the power supply. use program like hardware info 64 set it to logging and sensor see if under load the 12v rail is holding.