Not sure at all... is Fortron related to Fortran?
Sorry. Computer joke for old geeks like me. Been doing this since 1978... sorry.
Personally, I'm a fan of Power Up psu's. Very stable voltages (at least in the ones I have used), and very reasonably priced. If I were building something on the "bleeding edge" of technology I would spring for a "really good" psu from Antec or one of the other "powerhouse" psu builders. Since I operate on the "bleeding edge" of my finances, I go with good parts from the lesser names. Worst psu I have EVER had was from PowMax (fluctuation is a very pitiful word to describe what I had from those things!). 'Course, I am sitting here, having just pulled a psu made by Premier (ATNG) [BIG name in psu's, from what I hear] from a system that it almost destroyed. Go figure...
All kidding aside. The power supply is Really the Heart and Soul of your system. No matter how good and fast your CPU and memory are... a bad PSU will not only kill your system, it will also (don't tell everyone this) SLOW it down. Just like in a stereo system, it ain't the amp... it's the speakers. So, if you really want the BEST performance, reliability and stamina... spend more on your PSU... You will not regret it.