need help which mobo for gaming?

Abdullah Sohail

Jul 13, 2015
I am just a 14 year old boy and dont know much about mobo's and custom build pc's.I have build a low budget custom built pc and i am confused.I planned to put these parts together:
asus gtx 750 ti OC 2GB DDR5 (price 180$)
thermaltake 530W smart series psu(price 50$)
cpu Pentium G3258 haswell aniversary edition (price 90$)
and ram and acessories
now i am confused with these:
asus h81m-c or asus b85m-g mobo
i was planning to buy b85 but my friend suggested that i should spend less on mobo and buy a core i3 4130.the cost difference between the mobo's is around 30$ and so between the cpus so what should i buy?:??::??::??::??::??:

First of all, both the H81 and B85 Chipset based motherboards need a BIOS update to even recognize the...

First of all, both the H81 and B85 Chipset based motherboards need a BIOS update to even recognize the G3258 Haswell Refresh processor. So if you want the processor to be recognized right out of the box without any need for BIOS update, then you should consider H97/Z97 series motherboards.

What I would suggest is get a motherboard that serves your immediate purpose and at the same time gives you great options for future upgrade. If you're on a really tight budget, stick with Intel G3258, which is a budget gaming beast. Later on upgrade to any Haswell/Haswell Refresh i5/i7, if required.

Consider this quality motherboard that goes well with Intel G3258 and at the same time gives you great future upgrade path:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($96.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $96.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-21 08:13 EDT-0400

The Z97 chipset based motherboard allows you to easily overclock the G3258 4.4-4.7GHz, using the default CPU cooler that comes with it. No need for any third party cooling solutions.

Why Gigabyte Motherboards?

Because they make stable, durable and performance oriented products with lowest RMAs. See the images below:

What is RMA?

Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) is a part of the process of returning a product in order to receive a refund, replacement, or repair during the product's warranty period.

Gigabyte with least RMA percentage over the past two years

Major Motherboard and Graphics Card Manufacturers RMA Ratings

Read the full article here - Reliability report: Gigabyte top for motherboards, MSI for graphics cards

Other parts are fine. Stick with them.
