Need help with 144 hz BenQ please.


May 17, 2015
I just bought three BenQ XL2430T monitors for Nvidia Surround and was wondering if it's possible to get the center monitor at 144 hz?

I'm running one video card, the GTX 980 TI Gaming 6G by MSI. I know all three monitors can't run at 144 hz, I'm just concerned about the center monitor. It is plugged in with DVI-D, but does the center monitor run at 144 hz even though the other 2 are running at....... I guess 60?

Not sure how this works... Please explain, I'm kind of lost, and not sure ANY of this made sense.
Thank you all in advance.
This can be done easily through nVidia control panel. Under display, in the resolution box, scroll down to PC and then choose your resolution and then the refresh rate on the right can be set to 144 Hz. Only do it for the monitor you want to change. Then go to the "adjust desktop size and position. On the same monitor, make sure the resolution in the preview box at the bottom is 144. Save changes.

I can't do this, because of the fact that I can't select a monitor, the monitors show as "Surround Displays" basically all three monitors act as one.

Any other way to get 144 hz with Triple Monitors other than getting 2 more video cards?