Need help with 144hz

Mar 14, 2018
Ok so, I have a msi GT62VR 6RE laptop and my friend gave me his AOC g2460pf monitor (I will make it clear I am trying 1080p at 120/144. Thats all I want.) I have been trying to enable 144hz display and ive narrowed it down to 3 issues. Either (A) my laptops hdmi port does NOT support 120/144hz display (output through the laptop) This would be odd as the specs on MSI's website says that the laptops hdmi supports 4k at 60hz. (B) The hdmi that the monitor came with does NOT support 1080p 144hz. Or (C) some other issue that you wizards will figure out.

Ive read that even a 1.4 hdmi port can do 120hz at 1080p but this is a much newer laptop so I figured it would have a hdmi 2.0 anyway. Thanks for any help!

For 1080p 120 Hz on that monitor over HDMI you need to set a custom resolution for the option to appear.

Ok so how would I go about doing that and not making my monitor 720p lol (windows 10)


- Open the Start Menu and type "Control Panel" and press Enter
- Open the NVIDIA Control Panel (NVCP)
- Click "Change Resolution" (If there are no options besides 3D Settings, then you are most likely using a laptop with NVIDIA Optimus enabled. You should set a custom resolution from the Intel control panel instead, using the instructions from the Intel section below. Alternatively you can reboot and check the BIOS for an option to disable NVIDIA Optimus/switchable graphics).
- Select the correct monitor at the top
- Below the list of resolutions, click the "Customize" button
- If the Customize button is greyed out, go to the "Manage 3D Settings" section and make sure all options inside "DSR - Factors" are unchecked. Custom resolutions cannot be used with DSR.
- If the Customize button is still greyed out, make sure you have no pending changes. If there are "Apply / Cancel" buttons in the bottom right corner of the control panel, that means you have pending changes. You need to either apply or cancel them before setting a custom resolution.
- Click "Create Custom Resolution..."
- Set the horizontal pixels, vertical lines, and refresh rate boxes to the values you want, and in the Timing section, set the Standard option to "CVT reduced blank"
- Click Test; the screen will turn black for a moment. If it does not come back, hit the Escape key. Otherwise when it prompts you to save the resolution, click Yes
- Click OK to close the Customize window
- In the NVCP Change Resolution section, scroll to the top of the resolution list, your custom resolution should be in its own section at the top. Select it, then hit "Apply" in the bottom right.
Question from chandler.miklas : "New 144hz monitor not working!"

Question from chandler.miklas : "144hz problems within!"