Need Help with a Good graphic card


Dec 5, 2017
What a great forum, this forum has helped me build exactly what I truly want and i truly hate to bother all the knowledgeable techs here, but i am in need for some help and what a better place to come to and the advise has been unbelievable.
I am about to build my first PC for my daughter and myself.
I currently will be using the following that has been purchased already.
Asus ROG Maximus IX Hero
Intel Core i7-7700K Kaby Lake 4.2 GHz LGA 1151 Boxes Processor
Corsair 570X white case
Corsair RM750X white PSU
Corsair H100i V2
Corsair SP120 (total fans running 6)
Two Dell U2415, from my previous computer.

The use of the PC will be everyday simple use like surfing the web, watching movies and videos, some TV, we want to have it ready for VR gaming and gaming in general but not using it 8 hours a day, possibly 10 hours a week.We like to OC, aesthetic is a plus but totally not the deal breaker looking more for performance than aesthetic.

I am in search for a mid - good graphic card, from what people have told me I should stay with the same family as the MoBo I don't know if I can believe that.

I am looking for a 1080Ti but these can get pricey, but I was leaning towards the following
1.ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Advanced edition 8GB GDDR5 with Aura Sync RGB for best VR & 4K gaming
2. ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1060 outshines the competition with Aura RGB Lighting

I am sorry for the long winded thread, just want to make sure i provide enough and proper information, can someone please help me make a decision. PRETTY PLEASE. Please feel free to correct me and offer any recommendations anyone might have

Thank you so much
Wow, such quick response both make sense the difference in price is $50 USD. didn't even realize that, but wouldn't the 1070Ti be faster when OC, and a better fit for the Mobo.

Again I probably am wrong.

As far as memory it will be corsair dominator platinum 4 - 4GB DDR4 undecided on the MHz

The 1080 can overclock too and so is likely to always remain faster than the 1070ti. There is nothing about your system that makes the 1070 ti a better choice other than money. You do not need to stay with the same brand as the motherboard, there is no advantage at all. The only thing you have mentioned which might make the gtx 1070 ti or the gtx 1080 a good idea is VR. My assumption is that you intend to use a 1080p 60hz screen.

Good ram, but not enough. You need a minimum of 8gb. And ideally you should have two matching sticks so your motherboard will be in the faster dual-channel mode when accessing the ram.
What do you recommend for a good 1080 GPU, yes the screens will be 1080p at 60hz.

The ram i was going to buy are the corsair dominator platinum 4 x 4GB (16GB in total) at 3200MHz do you agree?

Thank you
Your ram choice is fine although there is no benefit to 4 sticks of 4gb over 2sticks of 8gb .
If you want 4 sticks for aesthetics then fair enough.

At 1080p 60htz the 1070 non ti is more than enough.

Up to you if you want to spend more , at the minute it wont actually benefit you performance wise though at all.

I would get this ram instead. 2x8 is faster on a system with dual-channel possibilities (yours has that). Also the LPX ram is lower (better airflow) and built with Samsung chips (the best).

PCPartPicker part list
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($209.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB DUKE OC Video Card ($514.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $724.87

Also the above is in my opinion the best value in a 1080 right now. Above average cooling. Above average performance. Below average price. As MadMatt pointed out it won't help with 1080p at 60hz (more than a 1070 would), but it will help with VR and playing at 1440p or with HDR. Also it might last a little longer before you feel the urge to upgrade again.

4 Sticks will be just for aesthetics, but one more question I can get my hand on the Corsair Dominator Platinum Series 16GB DDR4 DRAM 3600MHz C18 Memory Kit for $100

will the MHz work just fine, or skip the $100 and buy 3200 MHz?

Also i have decided to go with Asus strix 1080ti OC edition, this might be overkill but build right the first time i guess

I want to thank each one of you for all your help nothing but knowledge and respectful for a Newbie builder.