Need help with a graphics card


Mar 12, 2013
Hi i just need some help im a big idiot when it comes to stuff like this i know next to nothing about building a computer, picking out a graphic card for one or anything in between but im looking for a affordable Gcard for my comp my motherboard is a: a780l3b, cuz i had a friend build it for me cuz like i said im a idiot and i dont want to spend like $100+ on a card that wont fit in the slot so can anybody help me out
Ok your motherboard will support any PCI-e graphics card (99% of the cards you can buy today) so any card you buy will fit. However the size of your case (the tower it all sits in) will determin what card you can install. With the little info you have given it hard to say what cards will fit in your PC. Most PC cases will fit most low-mid range graphics cards Mid-high end cards tend to be longer and wont fit in some micro cases without cutting out drive bays ect. Also the Wattage of your Power supply will play a big role in what card you can get. Low wattage 350 -400w and under wont be enough for some gaming cards.

In short your motherboard will support any Graphics card. Your PSU and case may not. Read the specs of the graphics cards you looking at foe the PSU requirements and the card dimensions.