Need help with BIOS

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Sep 24, 2018
Just bought a Dell Optiplex 790MT and booted it up just yesterday night. Wanted to check my BIOS to see if everything was running, but when I press the key to go to my BIOS, instead of the normal layout I see this:
What is this and is it possible to change it to the normal blue/black BIOS layout.
Yep, normal Dell bios, in a tree list format rather than a fancy GUI, too be honest I prefer them like this, you can see everything without hunting down through unneccessary fancy grpahics.
They probably went to that layout when they switched to UEFI on the OPti 780.
You're actually lucky because the older BIOS didn't work with ATI video cards since R9-3xx series (285 also). They no longer were able to display the VESA 103 video resolution the older BIOS required. There's almost nothing you can change in there anyway.
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