Need help with bottle neck and upgrading

Robert Lindsay

Nov 23, 2014
So I got myself a r9 290

but im bottlenecking with my 6300

I was considering overclocking but from what I read online that my mobo

msi 970a-g43 does poor over clocking

So my question for you is should I invest in a better cpu like a 8350 and keep the mobo I currently have.

Or keep the 6300 and get a better mobo and over clock the 6300 with a better mobo?

So if I do this you think that should fix my bottle neck?

My computer has 8gbs of ram but for some reason only 3.95 is usable
Im useing 64bit windows

I have ran mem test and nothing came up wrong
I really dont know what to do with fixing the ram

Im considering re installing the os
you think that would work?

MY computer recognizes that 8gbs is installed
Are you sure it's 64bit Windows? Try the DRAM in slots 1-2 from CPU. Check that Win isn't limiting your DRAM, Click on

START > then type MSCONFIG in the search box > ENTER > click on the BOOT tab > ADVANCED > make sure the max memory box is UN-Checked

The second post shows exactly what Tradesman1 said.

I did everything that post said too do and nothing still only useing half?

Could it be my mobo or an os problem? My mobo supports up too 32 gbs

Hmm well that sucks considering that I just rebuilt my computer yesterday. So what motherboard should I get? around 100 dollar price range that overclocks well?

This was happening way before I rebuilt it not just recently

well considering im using this computer to reply to you i think my cpu is fine

This cpu has been on this motherboard since this computer has been built and has never been taken out
but I dont understand how loosing or tightening would help because I have had this problem before I rebuilt it yesterday in fact months ago

sorry if it seems like uncooperative but I dont get what that would succeed plus I really dont want to pull the heatsink off and screw everything back together
Even if you can respond on the computer, it does not mean the the pins are not broken. One pin can still allow simple tasks, but if you just happen to click somewhere you didn't mean to... No, it won't happen like that, but you get my point.

Put jeez taking off the heat sink is such a bitch

And? Even if you do have to return the mobo or buy a new one, it will be already done. And if you don't want to do it, and it turns out IT was the mobo after all, more headaches for you man.