I have been working on this for hours. Any help is appreciated. So anyways, I am attempting to WIRELESSLYct my old belkin router with my cisco router upstairs. I cannot just connect an ethernet cable from my pc to the belkin upstairs, because its too long and my house is designed in a way its not possible. So, my goal is to be able to wirelessly connect the two router, so i can put an ethernet cable in my room from the second router to my pc without having a wire hanging through the house. I have matched the security SSID, passcode, security type, and changed the ip static address on the second router within range of the first, but not exact as the first. When i go into my second router, the belkin, I click on use as access point (to use the router only as an access point for my pc, to connect to the other router), and i entered the ip address for the router access point as Is that supposed to match the ip address I inputed in the settings of the access point. Also, when I click enter after doing this, my second router crashes and I am forced to reboot and reset the router and start all over. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but the model of the second router is Belkin F5D7230-4. Any help? If you need more info or I worded it in a weird way, tell me. Thanks!