I just got a new pc (Ryzen 3 1200, gtx 1050, 8gb ram). I was installing a driver but then I realised it was an old one so I wanted to stop the installation, but before I could the screen went completely black and stayed like the for like 5 mins, I got worried and restarted my PC, after that everything seemed normal. The driver was installed, CSGO was runing fine, though I got some stutters initallally but I'm guessing it's due to me alt tabbing while the game was launching. Also geforce experience recognised the driver, so does that mean the driver is fine?
Here are my main questions, how can I check my driver was installed properly? Second, if I roll back are there default windows drivers or does it just install them automatically because that would explain why the screen went black because I was trying to install a driver already on my system. I really need some help so reply quickly.
Here are my main questions, how can I check my driver was installed properly? Second, if I roll back are there default windows drivers or does it just install them automatically because that would explain why the screen went black because I was trying to install a driver already on my system. I really need some help so reply quickly.