Need help with fan directions for cooling!


Oct 5, 2014
Hey guys,

I recently built a new computer with the case being the Bitfenix Phenom mITX. I don't fully understand the benefits/drawbacks of positive/negative pressures for case cooling yet and as a result, I haven't been able to decide what's best for my system. I've drawn up a couple schematics of the potential fan set up.

Option 1:

Option 2:

My computer contains an Intel i5-4430 CPU and a EVGA GTX 660 w/ ACX Cooler video card and I don't intend to do overclocking of any kind. Having said that, I would understand if you were to say I am not in need of the caliber of cooling in the pictures above. As such, I am all ears if you might even suggest that I remove the top fans completely (only if they affect the principle of positive/negative pressure or whatever (the performance of my computer)).

Option 3:

Let me know what you guys think!

Thanks :)

Thanks for the response! Any particular response why??

Edit: would love to select best answers but I'm new to this forum and have absolutely no idea how to do that
Your case lends itself to positive pressure. With the top front also bringing cooler air to your heat sink. I like negative pressure , but positive pressure has it's place.
No do not go with the first one. Option 2 or option 3 are correct. The first one will trap hot air in the middle of the case. it WILL NOT get cool air to the 212 evo like you think. The top should only ever be exhaust.

Thanks for the reply. Will this not end up with a negative pressure in my case though? I would prefer a positive pressure so as to have net movement of air out of the case where there is not a fan (eg crevices). Not sure if I entirely grasp this concept though.
There is no need for negative vs. positive pressure. It makes no difference with cooling. Make sure the top of the case is exhaust ONLY. I have negative pressure and my case is COOLER than if I switch any of my fans around.