need help with first gaming pc


Apr 21, 2015
I put a list of parts together for my first gaming pc that I plan on getting soon. I want to make sure all of the parts are compatible and good quality, if you see anything that needs to be changed, please let me know, I had trouble picking out a case because most of them that I found were either not good or not compatible with all the parts, please let me know if the case is good and if all the parts will fit, if you think I should change it, I don't want to spend a whole lot for the case, so please keep the price about the same or less. thank you to everyone who is able to help!

part list:
Not bad at all. The chassis is a bit ugly though, but practical. I might suggest going for the CoolerMaster Storm Scout chassis and add a nice CPU cooler then you should be set to go :)