Need help with gaming build


Apr 27, 2015
Hi guys! I am currently enjoying games such as tf2 minecraft and csgo on my $200 gaming pc build. (Built myself) I have 6 gigs of ram and an amd a6 6400k processor. I want to add a graphics card that wont be bottlenecked(under $180), and can play some decent games. Im not trying to run battlefeild 4 or anything. I want to run skyrim, bioshock infinite, call of duty world at war, and maybe advanced warfare on like medium or high settings in 1080p. So any card suggestions. I was thinking a radeon 260x or a gtx 750ti, but i want to see what others think. Thanks.
GTX 750Ti is a good choice, you don't list what PSU you have so that might also come into play with higher powered cards. However 750Ti should run with pretty much any PSU you happen to have And it should run things decently at least at 1080p, while also being well under budget.

I have a 480 watt psu, and thanks for the quick response. I'm gonna go with the 750 ti