Hi, I´m looking for a gaming keyboard, but I don´t want to spend a lot of money. I´m from Czech and I have an option to buy a Cougar 450K (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/cougar-450-series-keyboard-mouse,30638.html) from a store nearby for a really good price... But I just looked on Amazon (UK) and found https://www.amazon.co.uk/Water-Resistant-VicTop-Mechanical-Waterproof-Anti-ghosting/dp/B01N4FYYLV?th=1 , which sounds really good and has good reviews. My only problem is, that we (in Czech) have some special symbols (on top keys 2-0) that are pretty essential for correct grammar. My questions are, which one of the keyboards is better and does anyone have any experience with symbols that you stick to your keyboard. Also, how easy is it to learn how to use a 10-keyless keyboard?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!