Need help with Gaming PC $1300 - $1500 Budget


Jan 22, 2016
Hey there guys!
I'm currently looking to build a new Gaming PC. This is going to be my first ever pc built for myself, and I am very excited!
So today, I have a $1300-$1500 Budget, as I said in the thread title.
I am currently trying to play on max graphics on some of the newer games- GTA V, Fallout 4.. Etc, and for any more to come.

I am currently looking to keep a "NZXT Phantom 530 (Red)" And I want to base it off of that, or a "NZXT Noctis 450 - White + Blue" So, I would rather have the build base off of one of the cases!

I am currently looking for a build around an Intel based CPU- With either a GeForce 980 or a 2-Way SLI GeForce 970s (Which would be better?)

Thank you in advance!

I currently have one build that I tried to make myself? Any suggestions/concerns on it? I know it is a bit towards the high end of my budget, but I am willing to go the extra step.

That build is pretty solid. But you can lower the power supply to a 650W or 550W. And to answer your question, 2-Way 970 SLI is better than one 980. 2-Way 970 SLI has similar gaming performance to a 980TI.
That build is pretty solid. But you can lower the power supply to a 650W or 550W. And to answer your question, 2-Way 970 SLI is better than one 980. 2-Way 970 SLI has similar gaming performance to a 980TI.