Need help with gtx 760 installation, not working, cant get past splash screen, PSU maybe problem?


Nov 24, 2013
Hi, so I got a gtx 760 for my computer to replace my Radeon 7770, but whenever I install it and reboot, it leaves me at the HP splash screen, which is blue, and has the HP logo. From there, I cannot perforrm any actions such as start in safe mode or access bios or etc. My power supply is a 650W, but it isn't gold rated, and it was cheap. I read that this might be causing the issue, which is that my PSU isn't giving enough power to my 760 when installed. (By the way, when i reinstall the 7770 after the 760, the computer boots perfectly fine). I would like to ask if buying a different 650W that is gold rated would likely solve the issue, and if so, what is a good piece of equipment you would recommend. I can ensure that installation of the card was performed correctly (multiple times), I uninstalled previous drivers before putting in a new card, and all the cords went into the right places. I also grounded myself every time before touching the card or picking it up etc. I also made sure my bios were up to date and everything.

PC specs~
PSU: fx6100
GPU:Radeon 7770
Mobo: Gigabyte 2A8C (or 2AC8, cant remember what order it is)
PSU: 650W, unrated, was less than 50 bucks
Maybe HP have mobos that only accept Radeon cards.

The 760 should already have a driver in it - maybe old but still workable. If it was me, I'd boot into bios and see if you need to reconfigure something. It'd be good if you could get instructions for the mobo. Most o them have them. But you need to know the proper Gigabyte part number first.
I don't think this is an accurate assumption, as i've had other people tell me it should be compatible, and I dont know what to search for in the bios that would make a difference. The mobo is fairrly old as well, so instructions are probably impossible to find, and, as for the part number, I dont know where I would find that, would the name not be sufficient enough?
Umm, I don't know the company/model number because I cant take my computerr apart yet, but it wasnt more than 50 bucks and it is a light grey color. When I said that "I can ensure that installation of the card was performed correctly (multiple times)" I meant it. The cords are attached correctly, but it doesn't help at all. I am currently on Windows 8.1 as well.
I cant even go into the bios to access legacy mode because it freezes at the splash screen, and ive tried a dif graphics card in my pc and a different pcie slot, no avail. I cannot put it in a diffferent computer because I dont have another computer and my friends either live too far away or dont have a powerful enough computer. I really just want to know if buying a new power supply COULD fix it so that I might just do that and return it if nothing happens... I also dont know how to measure the power supply rail voltages with HWMonitor
The 7770 works, but someone else told me that since the PSU I have is bad, (not gold rated) the card could be getting insufficient power, and a gold rated psu would fix it, but I just want confirmation if it will or wont fix the problem