Need help with internal speaker wires


Apr 27, 2009
Hiya peoples :)

Im currently building a computer and im connecting my case to my motherboard
but i dont know how the wires should go.

If i just plug it in, the yellow wire (+ i think) will be connected to the pin called speaker
and the black wire (- i think) will be connected to the pin called +5V.

As i understand it, this means that il have 5 volts going into my motherboard where its not supposed to go.
(I once destroyed a board like this, and id hate to waste this board)

Do i move the black wire to ground? or what?

my motherboard: ASUS Rampage Exstreme
and Case: coolermaster sileo 500

heres a mini diagram of the problem
I am very sorry, but if you cannot hook up a speaker correctly, you probably shouldn't be even inside the case of a Computer.
Your manual shows you with pictures, EXACTLY how to hook this up.
However, it should not matter at all which way this plug is plugged in, as it is only going to a speaker, there is no power from this plug going anywhere.
Read your manual.

First of all, this is not my first build, its my 4th, so im pretty sure i should be inside the case :)
The only reason im having this problem is that the speaker has 2 wires and the mobo has 4 pins
and normaly i dont install the case speaker but this time i want it, need beep information when i boot.

second, my manual explains nothing usefull about the case speakerwire
it only shows hd led/ power / reset.

Anyway, its plugged in, all i need is graphics to arrive 😱

My issue is very similar. My Obsidian case does NOT
have a speaker and the m. board does not have a piezo
elect speaker on board as some intel borads do.
Like you, I need to here the beeps especially on a new build.

The pins on thed m board for the speaker are labled as follows.
|Speaker| Grnd| Grnd| + 5Vols |

The speaker wire has black on one side and red on the
other. In computers the red is usually +5 unless a case
fan where the red is actually 12 V because it intercepts the
yellow in the molex connector.
I'd say your question is pretty valid or we are both as decribed
by that other person.
