Need help with minecraft fps issue


Oct 14, 2016
I am playing vanilla minecraft getting 90-168 fps on average. How is this, I have a pretty good computer and im getting low frames while friends say they are getting 500+ frames
I know minecraft is running on java 64 bit 1.8.0_25 right now it says on the upper right side of the screen. is something wrong? I have settings on fancy and unlimited framerate.
Here is my specs. What should I be getting frames wise? Also can I do shaders? What kind of texture pack can I use 64x64 128x128x 512x512???
I have the latest nvidia drivers
i7 6700k 4.0
gtx 1070
psu 750 w
16 gigs of ram 2400 mhz
minecraft on ssd
did you give your minecraft more than 1GB of ram? you can set the settings for that in the launcher/Edit Profile/ and then check the box JVM Arguments
then where you see " -Xmx1G " change it to somthing like "-Xmx8G " the 8G is how much GB Ram your giving Minecraft. if there is no text in JVM Arguments then paste this in there " -Xmx8G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M "
did you give your minecraft more than 1GB of ram? you can set the settings for that in the launcher/Edit Profile/ and then check the box JVM Arguments
then where you see " -Xmx1G " change it to somthing like "-Xmx8G " the 8G is how much GB Ram your giving Minecraft. if there is no text in JVM Arguments then paste this in there " -Xmx8G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M "