Need help with molex fans


Feb 2, 2019
Ok I have an old Alienware Area 51 7500 case and have just brought A rog strip x370-f gaming motherboard as I am giving it a long deserved upgrade however I am wondering where I plug the fans into, there is a single chip/controller at the bottom of the case that connects to all the fans in the case. Any help would be much appreciated thanks.
Ps I haven’t brought a power supply yet and are open to recommendations.

Yeah I’ve been looking into it ever since I posted the question and it looks like that this is the controller for the fans and the LED lights that are on the case thanks for your help, I was just wondering how to integrate the power connectors into my new build I’m currently planning, As I don’t want the fans running at full rpm which is what I heard will happen if I plug them directly into the power supply, but I guess that’s what the LED/fan controller is for, thanks again.

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