Need help with monitor, ( i no this isnt the right section )


Jul 5, 2011
Hello, first of all, i know thi isnt the right forum section for this, there wasnt one that i saw for monitors.
Anyhow, i have enough money for a new monitor ive had on my eye for a while now. This should be simple, its a good deal on either a 130$ 22" acer monitor or a 150$ 23.6" acer monitor, i plan to use whichever i might get for my xbox 360 setup i have right now, i game on a tiny 17" standard def acer lcd, it works fine, just not for gaming on. i can deal with small size but it is horrible when you try to play from more than 2 feet away from the thing, i have a recliner set u like 6 feet away and while this is okay for movies, i cant game on such a small monitor from that distance, words and details are just too small and blurry because they are meant to be played on larger TVs.

I want to buy the monitor but i have several issues. 1. my mother thinks it is a watse of money (even though her 19" for her laptop was probably about 100-120$). and 2. i have to pay for half of my drivers ed. this would be about 170$, i have 230ish now, but i have until june to save the money for drivers ed, i make about 20-50$ a week depending on how often i work (at a store and piling firewood for some people in town, also i get a couple jobs a month working for a nieghbor in the spring fall, summer, etc. that adds even more income to teh mix, so i should have plenty of time to save the money up, since i wil have about 70-80$ for saving at first too.

I really want this monitor because when i have friends over and we do splitscreen or something, the monitor i use is very small and even worse when its cut in half for splitscreen. also i can use the 17" for my crap desktop for my dad and sister to use, since right now i have a 15" lcd on it now. I could probably sell the 15 inch as it is in new condition for about 30-40$ to some small business or something. so, that just adds more money for me to save for drivers ed which is in spring anyway.

If it was you and you had the same situation would you buy teh monitor? im just looking for opinions, just to help me decide whether to go for it or not.


Jul 20, 2010
get a used flat screen tv, it cheaper and you wont notice the difference on xbox.

but if youre really set on getting a monitor, ensure it has, and you have, the required connector the make it happen.

life lesson: its all about priorities. while youre young, it wont matter what you spend youre money on, but the lessons learned from it will carry forever. the only difference is: do you want to learn the hard way, or easy way.

set the money aside for your drivers ed, then begin building your funds to get a new screen. trust me.


Jul 5, 2011
ahhh, that is wher ethis section was, thanks mouse, sorry about the other page i made like this, my internet crapped out and i thought i lost teh thread so i posted another and then realized both were posted...

also thanks for your opinion guav, ill consider it and i know that is is safer to save for wants after saving for needs but i figure i have plenty of time for drivers ed, and a new monitor would alos be helpful when i do build computer (that deffinitly comes after drivers ED, as it is much more expencive and i can do just fine without a new desktop as i have my laptop, which i saved all last summer for, god im tired of saving money for things.. i need a better job haha. anyway to anyone else reading this post , keep those oppinions coming please!