Need help with motherboard and PSU


Jan 19, 2015
Hello everyone
I am currently working on a new build and I need some help with picking up a motherboard and PSU. My config is following:
Intel i5 6400
Asus Strix Gtx 1060 O6G
G.skill Ripjaws 4 8GB
Seagate Baracuda 1TB 7200 rpm
I was looking at a Gigabyte board GA-H170-HD3 but it is a little over my budget so I need a similar but cheeper board, preferably Asus, MSI or Gigabyte. Also I was planning on taking a Corsair RM550x power supply but it is also too expensive and I believe I dont need that much power, ( on a side note: would 450 W be enough? ).
Thank you in advance for your time and advice
Best regards
A 450w is enough for that build. Take a look at the cx450m, it's cheap and modular and also good enough quality. Your pc will use around 200w while gaming so as you can see 450w is more than enough.

A good motherboard could be the MSI H110M Pro-D, it's all you need, you can't overclock your cpu, so no need for a expensive motherboard. :)

That PSU sound nice, also I forgot to mention that modularity is not my priority, most important are low noise and durability, and this one seems to fit nicely.

That motherboard is just a few € cheaper that the other one so it does not make any significant difference,I was hoping I could find something a bit more drastic. It looks like H170 motherboards dont go any cheaper that this. I might need to find myself a H110 board.

Check some of the B150 board prices. I would also try really hard to up the processor to the i5 6500.


Ok will do, Ill check them out. Thank you