"I'm getting a gtx 1050ti, and a SSD, So i would like to know which motherboard is a good one." This doesn't make much sense. Your current board supports both of those. No need wasting money on a new motherboard for that old platform.
There is currently only 2 motherboards supporting AM3+ for your AMD FX 6300. Your current motherboard has the PCIE slot for the video card. Here is only AM3+ motherboard worth a look. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Motherboard:Gigabyte - GA-970A-DS3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($99.89 @ OutletPC) Total: $99.89 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-01-20 17:59 EST-0500
"I'm getting a gtx 1050ti, and a SSD, So i would like to know which motherboard is a good one." This doesn't make much sense. Your current board supports both of those. No need wasting money on a new motherboard for that old platform.
Thank you very much for the suggestion, appreciate it. Actually my current mobo does not have a usb 3.0 slot plus it supports only 16gb ram, so i was a bit sceptical as should i upgrade or stay on the current mobo.
However it depends on when you upgrade. If it's a few months away you should create a new thread and ask about the upgrade a week or so before you buy the parts.