Question I need help with my home network setup ?


Jun 23, 2014
I need some recommendations on what to change. This is my current setup. My internet is "fiber" but not really. They advertise as fiber but it is converted to coax from the box outside. Inside the main network cabinet there is coax that is split. One side of the coax goes to a Arris modem/Wi-Fi router which is Wi-Fi 5 we'll call this Network A. The other side goes to an ISP provided modem/Wi-Fi router that is Wi-Fi 6 we'll call this Network B. They are currently setup under 2 different network names. I also have a Asus Wi-Fi router in my home office that is setup into bridge mode. The ASUS router is bridged to Network B. That is the only way to get internet to my pc without buying a Wi-Fi adapter card.

I have plans to eventually get a wired connection to my pc. My biggest issue at the moment is that I also have a server for PLEX in my office. My PC and the server are connected to the bridged ASUS router on Network B. Our Roku in the Livingroom is also connected to Network B. If I try to access PLEX from Network A it lags because technically it is having to transcode instead of local play. I need to keep the ASUS router in my office to use as a bridge. I also have smart home devices that are setup on Network A that only work on the 2.4ghz band.

The ISP modem/router is a smart router and gives me the best connection to my PC in this mode. I have tried to split the bands on the smart router but the connection is slower that way. I know this is not the best way to have this setup but it works for the moment. Any help would be much appreciated. Also I know some terminology in networking but not a lot so try to dumb it down a little lol. Some of you guys are wizards.


Nov 5, 2015
Separate your article into readable paragraphs.

List exact brand/model for all routers. A picture is worth a thousand words.

A diagram in pencil/pen is OK. Use solid line for wired ethernet, dash line for wireless connection.

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Why have 2 routers/networks. Can you set the arris into bridge/modem mode.
Even if that is not a option could you not just put all your devices on what you call network B.

I am somewhat surprised you got it to even work accessing a server on network b from a machine on network a since you have to have port forwarding.

Even if you have just one network you might have issues when the server must be accessed via wifi. I suspect that might be why you keep your pc and the server near you pc so both can be ethernet ?