Need help with my PC


Dec 3, 2016
I have problem with my PC when I play games. When I play a game (any game) my PC will switch off and 3 seconds later back switches himself back on again.

Let I start from the beginning, I have brought new PC stuff last year April and in June my graphics card and in August have installed Windows 10. Then in the beginning on of this January my PC did it for the first time. Thought it was maybe my RAM, didn't buy new ones yet. So I buy for me 16GB RAM and install it, problem was away for 2 months and return again.
Every time it happens with a game, I must switch my graphics card to another slot and then will never happen with that game again. Until I install a game later, not necessarily the first or 2nd one I install, but it will happen with another game soner or later.
No one could have help me and I have tested about everything, don't know anymore.
I think that it is maybe the graphics or motherboard or both.
If I take out my graphics and play on my on-board graphics, then everything is fine.

Never see this problem before and I worked with PC's for years
CPU - Intel i7-4790
Graphics - EVGA GTX 760 SC
RAM - G.Skill 16GB (F3-1600C9D-16GAB)

Please help
Let's start with the basics:

PSU - is it stable, fully capable of sustaining the system?
Graphics card - drivers are up to date?
OS - fully updated and virus free?

I've seen something in the likes of this in a system where there was a problem with an HDD that was slowly corrupting data. Have you checked that option as well?

Can you list your full specs. Psu, hdd, motherboard,...

My PSU is stable deliver 900W
Graphics drivers was always up to date
Yes it was, plus 2 weeks ago I have installed Windows 10 from scratch again and install everything over.

Actually I didn't check my HDD, didn't think it will be the HDD.
Now you talked about it, my HDD just 2TB of the 3TB work, because something is wrong with it. Did send it before in and get it back like this.
Okay, I will check the HDD and also copy the games that do this to my SSD and try it also there.

HDD - WD 3TB, this the one that have all my games on.
Motherboard - MSI B85-G43 GAMING

I also have 2 other HDD, one for movies and other for media. And have and SSD for my system.

I'm now 90% sure it's your psu. It is a really really crappy psu that literally nobody recommends at all. It can't deliver it's rated power and lacks just generally everything everywhere. I would highly recommend you get an actual decent one that won't kill your pc ( this one is highly likely to do it). The reason it shuts off is because the psu overload and trips. That is why it shuts off. The reason it worked fine in the beginning is because the crappy things inside of it were new and now a bit later they already started to fail. Whatever you do get a new psu. A 550w from the corsair rm series will do just fine.

Ok, I have a lot other PSU's, will try a other one then.
I did check my HDD and copy the game and try that also and still the PC makes the same thing.
But why do the PSU nothing if I play the games on my on-board graphics then?

Because your 760 doesn't use power then. That psu is then capable of keeping the system up. Also what other psu's do you want to try in it?


First there is nothing wrong with my PSU, anyway the second time I tested my PSU, before I have used 600W PSU, can't remember the make.
I know it's not the PSU, I still think it is the graphics card or maybe the motherboard.
Second people have told me that it is a good PSU and just because one or 2 guys say they have problems with, does not mean that is shit.
Like me, I say WD is shit, other people won't agree with me, I have 3 that give me problems.

I am not going to buy a new PSU, plus $65 is a lot
I need a solution for PC

Did you test the graphics card in another system?

Just once for a day, the thing is, it can take up to 2 months before he will show something.
It would be easier if I could have an extra graphics card, but I don't have one.
Once I have maked almost 3 months without any problem. But now it happens with a game that does not need much graphics.
I have tested it before, change my graphics to very low on a game, and still does the same thing.

The funny thing is, my PC never did it with big games, like Battlefield or Call of duty
Relax. I usually use PSU's from non-top notch brands I do just fine with it.

Revert back to the last hardware configuration you had that was stable and test your machine. If the odd behaviour persists, and you are absolutely sure it is not the PSU causing stress to the system, you should test your graphics card in another machine capable of handling it. If it causes the same behaviour, RMA the thing.

I don't actually want to put back my old stuff, because it is small stuff. It is an dual core and cheap motherboard.
I will try to lend somebody's graphics and maybe he can test mine.

I just thought of something, is it possible that the port of the graphics are something wrong?
Then I must use one of the other ports to connect my screen and test it like that
At this point I have to say: please and try write correctly because you're using a somewhat broken English and it ends up being taxing for who is reading.

When I was referring to the last stable hardware configuration you had, I meant before you added the blasted graphics card to your system, not your old hardware config!

New graphics card are quite taxing on PSU; your present PSU might be unable to fully cope with it so keep your mind open!

Test your card in another system; it may very well be faulty.
Test your system with another card, to check for your motherboard health.

If after that you can't reach a conclusion, ask again for help.

First, I am not English and I have learned UK English in school and that is different from US English.
Second, there wasn't any other graphics on this board. All my Hardware in my PC, didn't see any other Hardware, except my HDD's.

I think also to try another graphics card
Because my PCI X16 gen 3 Slot don't actually want to run my graphics with games.
Must put it in my PCI X4 gen 2 slot