Need help with New Build

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Nov 12, 2012
Hello everyone, I am in need of some advice. I have just completed a test build of my new components to make sure they worked and encountered a problem. The parts I were using were:
CPU: Intel i5-3570
Heatsink: ZALMAN LED 92mm 2 Ball CPU Cooler
RAM: CORSAIR Vengeance 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600
MB: MSI Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt
and I had a small speaker attached to listen for beeps and it attached to my monitor; however, when I turn it on it started up, shut down, then started back up and ran, but it made not sounds and no information showed up on the screen. Does anyone have any ideas which part might be bad? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
If it booted successfully after that and continues to boot ok, without the long delay then I would say it is ok. If it takes a long time to boot every time you restart the computer then something else is going on. It could possibly be a short but it could also be a number of other things.

What do you mean by a locked processor? Also it was suggested and the website showed it as compatible so thought it would be ok.

It was all brand new parts first time used and it never booted properly. It just started up, fans kicked on for 1 sec, then it all shut down, then it booted back up and would just run.
I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. Took the weekend off.

What he means by locked processor is you cant overclock it because the core speeds are locked. The MB you have is good for overclocking but the processor is not.

If everything run's good after it reboots then I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have had new systems do weird things the first time they start and then everything is fine afterword. Sometimes it is BIOS related as it restarts after a configuration file is created. Much like when windows restarts after new hardware drivers are installed. If this happens often you might try a Bios update but chances are it was a one time problem.

It's all good, I appreciate the help. Ok that makes sense, and the main reason I got this processor was because a friend of mine had gotten it by mistake but couldn't return it so gave me a deal on it. So how long can it take to start up the first time because when I was doing the test run I had it running for almost a minute and nothing was happening on the screen, and it made no sounds. The board had led lights showing that a current was gong to the CPU, and the CPU fan was running but I imagine just connecting the board to a current would cause that too as long as there wasn't a short.
If it booted successfully after that and continues to boot ok, without the long delay then I would say it is ok. If it takes a long time to boot every time you restart the computer then something else is going on. It could possibly be a short but it could also be a number of other things.

Ok, thanks for all the help and advice, I really appreciate it.
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