Need help with overclocking and if its possible.


Aug 1, 2016
Motherboard: ASUS P5N-D
GPU: Radeon HD 7850 with 2 vents on it.
CPU: Intel duo core E8400 3 GHz
4 gb ram
64 Bit Windows 10
Normal temp around 50, with stock cooler on 40%.
So im struggeling a bit with the FPS on overwatch so i was thinking about maybe overclocking the CPU, i think the GPU is handling it fine. And the memory isnt struggeling as much at the cpu.
cus ddr2 ram is like 70% and cpu 90% on task manager. And the gpu is fairly New.
I run overwatch on 25-45fps+/-

First off, what sort of cooler are you using with the E8400? Is it the stock one or an aftermarket one? I personally, would suggest to not overclock using the stock cooler, although it is possible, it would be much easier, and would be a much higher overclock using an aftermarket one.

I have found a guide you can follow to overclock the E8400.
I am using the stock cooler, never overclocked something before, and the unstable fps on overwatch is a bit annyoing. And cant really afford a new pc.

I'm not fully sure that overclocking the CPU will do too much unfortunately, maybe try lowering your settings on the game and it may increase the FPS overall.

To overclock a processor, it is a highly suggested idea to purchase an aftermarket cooler that will fit in your case.

Have you thought about overclocking the GPU? That could assist you.