Need help with picking the right GPU


Jul 27, 2016
Hello, I've been looking at purchasing a new Graphics card for my pc. I currently have a gtx 960 that uses one 6-pin connector. The problem is that my psu only has one 6-pin connector, I cant seem to find any others in my case ( I didn't build the pc ). This is a problem because the Gtx 970 that I have been watching on Ebay requires "2 x PCI-E 6-pin".
Will I be able to use the gpu with only one 6-pin?
If not is there another workaround other than getting a new psu?
I don't want to mess around with the computer because I have broken a few beforehand by doing the same thing.

My psu is: cooler master rs-500-pcar-i3 500w
My Mobo is: ASUSTek Computer INC. P8z68-v

(This is an edit) I have been looking at some other forums and questions and some people have been able to run with just one 6 pin connector, but I am still unsure and would still like some help on this.

Thanks, Mana

Yeah, I have been looking at those but the problem is I don't think I have any spare molex or the correct one. I have a molex tucked behind the mobo, it is one where the 4 pins dont stick out but are like little holes as if you were to plug 4 pins into it (im sorry im not very tech savvy) another problem is that it is tucked behind the mobo and wont pull out, so if I were to get a molex to 8 pin, I dont think it would reach.
Also what exactly is a 6x2 pin?
I have seen some gpus that need 6pin and an 8 pin or some that need just an 8 pin.

Sorry forgot to say this, there is only one molex that I can see and all the adapters that I have seen require 2, 4 pin molex.
6+2 pin is a pcie adapter that can be used for a 6 pin port or an 8 pin port, 2 of the pins are detachable.
You could possibly try a sata power to pcie adapter, however I have no experience with them, and don't know if there any good.
Other than that, you might be in for a new psu I'm afraid bud.

Looks like this is the answer to my problem. Thank you for the help.

Lets look at the facts here:

The unit only comes with 1 6 pin and no 6+2 pins
it has 4 molex and 2 sata connectors
Cool master no longer makes the unit and no one carries it anymore
a molex to 6 pin adapter is a band aid fix to the problem.

I would recommend replacing the unit if you intend on upgrading your GPU, I would look at ether one of these 550w tier 1 unit 620w tier 2 unit

Just found the other two molex tucked away on the backside of the case.

Thank you for taking interest in my question. I really appreciate you going through the effort to look for a new psu but I just cant afford it, nor do I know how to install one. I need to ask something though.
Will an adapter really fix the problem? Im going to get a molex to 8 pin connector to put into an 8 pin gtx 970. If this not fix the problem then I will consider your psus.
That gpu only draws 145 watts, this solution will work.
However faalin is right, later on the down the track when you want a stronger gpu, you will have to upgrade your psu.
Hopefully by then you will have a bit more cash and knowledge of changing the psu. It's not hard btw, heaps of helpful YouTube tutorials.

It will probably power everything up but any heavy load will more then likely make the PSU shut down.

a gtx 970 recommends a 500w PSU with 28A for the card. Your PSU states its a 500w with dual 18A rails after the card it only leaves 8A for the rest of the system and thats if your PSU holds up to its stats.

Unless the 970 is going really cheap i would say wait it out and get a 1060 and a new PSU. There are a few sites already listing them for around $250 Benchmarks are showing the 1060 beating a 980 and it is recommending only a 400w PSU and a single 6 pin connector