need help with sli for gtx 760


Oct 2, 2013
so i might get another 760 cheap off ebay, and plan to sli it, it wont be the same brand or clock speed but will have the same chipset. i might need a new power supply, what do you recommend. also will i have any problems with the Mobo i have? also by have 2 760 what gpu power am i close to like 780? or higher?


8 Gb ram

gtx 760 zotac amp (current GPU)

windows 8.1 pro

CPU - FX-6300

PSU- 550W xfx-tsa55


hmm, guess i clicked on the wrong link on google then. I agree there is no point in running two cards if you need a new mobo as well. Better to save up for a proper systems upgrade, because the fx 6300 will bottleneck the gtx 970. Which is what I would go if you wanted to upgrade from the 760, as the gtx 960 isn't really a huge upgrade compared to the 760.

sorry i forgot to say that i did overclock the cpu from 3.5 to 4.3GHz, what do you mean my mobo wont support sli?

Your motherboard only supports AMDs version of SLI, Crossfire. Meaning you can't use multiple Nvidia cards on your motherboard.