-Top left, usually either for case cover, psu, hard disks or motherboard (usually not for SSD's) I myself use these as hard disk screws myself due to smaller head so that if room is tight, it fits easier.
-Top right, usually meant for attaching something to predrilled plastic hole due to sharp point. possibly some fan attachment, no real use otherwise.
-Middle right, long screws are.... not really meant for anything "standard" like motherboard, case cover, disks, psu or anything like that. unless there is some special need for them, they are most likely not used for anything, case manual might tell where they are supposed for be used.
-Bottom left, metric screws, usually for cd/dvd drives and ssd disks.
-Bottom right, case cover, psu, hard disk or motherboard, I usually use these for motherboard but... it will physically work just as well as top left type.
TLDR; basically what Andy Chow said, except mentioning cd/dvd drive
Basically that is about it. do not use the bottom left on motherboard, they will kind of slip into the standoffs but due to being just bit too small, cannot be screwed out since they slip but have enough traction to kind of get stuck there, possibly needing more tricks to get out.
This will get more complicated if you have motherboard installed.