Need information on Lenovo Mahobay


Sep 3, 2015
I need information on Lenovo Mahobay motherboard.
I have a Lenovo h520 desktop... All I know is it is an h61 chipset.

I need to know if I can upgrade my CPU on this motherboard to an i5 ivy bridge... I don't want to buy a new CPU and find out it won't work... I can't find any compatibility lists on lenovos website and I've heard you need some kind of BIOS update? Is that true and where and when should I update the BIOS?
I can only find the H520S:
but this says it supports 2nd/3rd Gen CPU so you should be fine upgrading but it may require an update.

you can download bios updates from lenovo's support site:

Just checked there are no updates. So if this is the unit you have it does say it supports Ivy Bridge so you should be fine. From memory lenovo was shipping Ivy CPUs with H61 chipsets all the way through on the entry level stuff