Need internet without a data cap badly


May 5, 2013
I don't know if this is on the right thread but here is the back story. I live 1.5 miles one way and 2 miles another way from the closest cable lines. I've tried for a very long time to get cable to my house but never seem to get anywhere. At the moment my family and I use a Verizon jetpack, the speeds are usually fine but not great. Having 60gbs a month is not enough data for a heavy data consuming household. The only other options for internet right now are satellite which doesn't get rid of the data cap. Another option would be dsl that is less than 1mbps down. I know someone who lives .5 a mile behind my house on another road who has cable. I heard something about a wireless link but I don't know if I need a point to point connection.

So can anyone clarify the wireless link connection or have any other ideas for how I can get better Internet? Thank you
Thank you Pooneil. I have contacted my town Cable Committee Selectman and he said that TWC has no interest in servicing the road but exactly like you are saying we should start a petition and he can schedule a meeting with TWC. I've typed the letter with reasons for signing and what not. With the letter will be a another paper where the resident will sign their name, address, and what service they are interested. TV, Internet or Both. Do you think this will be sufficient?
Wi-Fi can reach that far with long range directional antennas If you have line of sight but I doubt your friends cable company allows that. And they'd probably need to uprade their bandwidth.

If there are enough people, as in a densely packed street or a neighborhood, you could start a campaign. If enough people would sign up they might lay the line.

Our you can try to get them to let you pay for it yourself butt it's probably cheaper to move.

You could also get satellite or dsl in addition to the Verizon pack depending on your usage and run multiple WiFi networks. Something like a steam game download you could switch to the DSl WiFi and run over night or when not using the computer. Sure it will take a while, but you won't eat up your highspeed bandwidth you need for other things
Thank you unksol for the response. I am ready to start a campaign/petition but I have read past stories like this which haven't been successful. The company that services the road is TWC so we meet the 20 houses per mile requirement but they didn't seem interested. I don't have a direct line of sight to my friends house so I guess that eliminates another option.

You have a political problem, apparently with no personal, technological resolution.

Don't take no for an answer, start a campaign and do it as a community service. Take it to the neighbors and let them know the advantage to their property values to having good internet. Talk to the cable company and ask your local government and PUC for help.

It really is a community service you will be doing that could benefit everyone, including the cable company. So keep that in mind at all times and present a community service attitude at all times, even when talking to the cable company. You don't have to have the answers, just good questions persistently posed to those that have answers. It's great practice at gaining a life changing skill for organizing with very little downside,even if you don't get what you are asking for.
Thank you Pooneil. I have contacted my town Cable Committee Selectman and he said that TWC has no interest in servicing the road but exactly like you are saying we should start a petition and he can schedule a meeting with TWC. I've typed the letter with reasons for signing and what not. With the letter will be a another paper where the resident will sign their name, address, and what service they are interested. TV, Internet or Both. Do you think this will be sufficient?
It's a good start. And keep it up. Don't take "no" for an answer. There are no settled negative answers in this type of work, only requests that can be answer "yes" right now.

Don't forget to ask the people that sign your petition if they have a way to help you. There may be attorneys, other professionals, or people with media, technical or organizing skills that will be happy to help if asked, or even just moral support. .