Yep. I had the Del XPS M170. Ran relatively cool and was pretty small for the specs too. It had a 2GHz Centrino, 100GB HDD, 2GB DDR2 RAM, Nvidia 7800GTX, DVD-burner, and a 17" 1920x1200 screen. Amazing thing is it would actually run 2.5hours on battery power. Bought it and used it for 1month... ended up selling it on ebay for $2900 to some dude in Hawaii.
One thing about laptops, for top of line performance, you are gonna be paying for it. For Voodoo, Alienware, Falcon-northwest, or Dell XPS notebooks, the pricetags new are $3000+.
Decided a 24" Dell LCD hooked up to a koolance tower with dual raptors and a 6800 ultra was plenty for me. All for about $1500. Now just gotta decide what I am gonna do with the other $1400
For a cooling running high performance desktop, I totally recommend dell for their bang for the buck. I used a Dell 9300 with a 17" LCD, 2.13GHz Centrino (about a 3.4GHz P4 equivilent), 1GB RAM, nvidia 6800 graphics and originally bought it new for $1400. Also only weighed 7.8lbs (not bad for a 17incher), could go for 4hours on battery, and with fan control software, system ran cool enough that I could leave all fans off majority of the time.