Need more opinions on gaming build..


Dec 2, 2010

I was debating upgrading to the 980ti but I am a noob, does the seller matter? (EVGA, MSI, zotac)?
Also, I'd like opinion on a nice looking case, worth some extra money for a decent case with good fans, I like blue or at least blue/red with matching keyboard colors.
And, if I upgrade to the 980ti, does all my other stuff work with it? ive read some issues with older motherboards.

Hi Wolfspawn. A build like this will do well for you. Tried to keep the blue theme where possible.
GTX 980 Ti would be overkill for 1080p @ 60Hz., you'd want a monitor that runs 1440p @ 144Hz.
GTX 970 will do 1080p @ 144Hz. and is within your budget.
Reviews of non-reference 980 ti cards will be coming soon to make choices easier.
For my first question in my post, would a 980ti work with this motherboard/system? and if so, does the brand matter?

Sure 980Ti will work although if you're gonna spend that much on GPU you should consider upgrading cpu to i7 4790K.

brand doesnt matter too much for reference design cards. Standard clock can vary as some will have slight factory OC. For non reference cards the cooler will be mostly determine what brand to choose.