Hi, I have an i5-4690k, rx580, 16gb 2333mhz Ram, mobo - GA-Z97x-SLI. Most games run really well 200+fps in fn, rl etc but really struggles in warzone as very cpu intensive- can get enough fps just a lot of stutters etc and tried loads of fixes online for it and believe it is just cpu or ram. Don't want to go through effort of replacing mobo so just wondering if i7-4790k will be a good upgrade or not. My current cpu is old, defo getting worse, probably needs thermal paste but never done it before as temps can get high. I have cooler masters water cpu cooler however as i bought system second hand I am unsure how good it is wondering if there's a way to see. Also does my ram need an upgrade?
Main questions:
Is i7-4790k worth upgrade?
Worth applying thermal paste to see if improving performance or is i5-4690k just not enough for warzone
How to check cpu cooler is good/working?
Does ram need upgrade?
Main questions:
Is i7-4790k worth upgrade?
Worth applying thermal paste to see if improving performance or is i5-4690k just not enough for warzone
How to check cpu cooler is good/working?
Does ram need upgrade?