Need new graphics card and power supply.


Sep 16, 2014
I want ok graphics at 1080p
Mobo:Asus m5a97 le R2.0
CPU:AMD 8350
GPU:650ti(Currently showing signs of failing soon, no warranty and a couple years old)
HDD:7500rpm 1tb(Took from a HP)
PSU:Unbranded 380W
RAM:8gb 1333mHz
PC for: Gaming and light video editing.

When I built this PC I was on a tight budget, which is why I cheaped out on the ram and power supply. However, I'd like an ok graphics card with a power supply to match for decent 1080p gaming. With my current setup, most modern games are running at 30-45fps on mid to high settings, so I don't need max 60+ 24/7. My budget can stretch to 350 but I'd like to keep it within the 200-300 range.

i could suggest a radeon r9 270 its now under the $200 after rebate on amazon.. and...

i could suggest a radeon r9 270 its now under the $200 after rebate on amazon.. and here is a fairly cheap and efficient power supply to back it up ..;jsessionid=4E4213B0E82074A986ADD0F84E66932E.bbolsp-app01-108?id=mp1309112975&skuId=1309112975&st=evga power supply&cp=1&lp=1#tab=buyingOptions

Yea, I was looking at that graphics card. Also, I was thinking of later upgrading my graphics card later next year (around augest, looking at 280x/ 770/whatever is in the price range at the time(970?)). Do you think that power supply would handle one of them? By the way, the 270 would be going into my friends system once I upgrade.

the power supply i reccomend is a certified product that is efficient enough to bring a gtx 780 or r9 295 so without a doubt it will manage both the 280x or the 770 ..

OK, i guess while I have you attention, do you know of any HDD that are ok priced around the $50 mark. The 7200RPM I took from the hp had a marked 10,000hr lifespan and is currently passing that.
you could get a used hdd from amazon (unfortunately am certain there is one at the moment) i saw one a few weeks a 500gb seagate hdd.. you could check out amazon or ebay for used hdd. i doubt you will find a brand new hdd for that price that has a good amount of storage

wo thats great i think you should go for it then .. i didnt think you could find a hdd at that price buty i was wrong.. you should watch for the fake chinese scammers though as they are alot of them on ebay

Yea, I've almost sued quite a few times, but decided I'd lose more money than I'd gain. Anyways, thank you for your help.

just click the green buttonm on one of my post now and see if it works now

Yea it was just my pop up blocker. It's annoying at times but i somehow contract adware everywhere that anti viruses don't pick up nor that I can get rid of. 4th installment of windows and it's still a problem.