Need recommendation for cooler


Apr 22, 2009
I have a thermal take tower. Very big and heavy

intel i7 920 (Quad)
MSI X58 Platinum
3 gigs Corair ram
radeon hd 4870 x2 2gig

Watched the temps on HWMonitor

When idle my temps are

Cores - 55 celsius
Vid Card - 70 Celsius

When playing Warhammer

Cores - 85 Celsius
Vid card - 92 Celsius

Can anyone recommend cooling to use? I'm new to the whole cooling thing.

Forgot...I also have 4 fans running my my setup.

Thermalright 120
I use a lapped Ultra 120 and its performance is great. In my opinion if you are going to get it, you should plan on lapping it though, as the contact with a 920 out of the box is pretty bad.
Another really popular (and extremely similar) heatsink is the megahalem. I don't know about the stock flatness of the megahalem. The i7 920 is quite flat, which is why the Ultra 120 is best lapped (it is made slightly convex to match core 2's better, from what I understand).

My setup as an example of what you can get with ultra 120:

i7 920 @ 4.0 GHz
Lapped ultra 120 with mx-2 compound, using a fan with just a tad bit more CFM than the stock one
Low 70s F ambient
idles at about 37C
8 thread load at about 67C

If you don't care about noise, you can slap a high CFM fan on it and lower the temps by 3C at least, I would expect.
From what I've seen, the Megahalem gets similar temps.
Lets get you on the right track for what to use to measure tmeps, and what programs you can use to check these thing, and whaere to look for reviews on heatsinks. Then you can decide. Never forget the importance of great case air flow.
cut n paste of something I wrote a while back

Benching software and such is very varied. I use these for each purpose:
These are pretty standard and used by many.
Monitoring the PC temps overall: HWmonitor aka hardware monitor
CPUZ for CPU info
GPUZ for GPU info
CPU only: RealTemp
GPU only: ATI Tool, I have a Nivida GTX280, so it works on Nvidia

Loading/benching tools:
CPU loaders: Prime95 and OCCT
GPU Loaders: ATI Tool and the best one is Furmark, nothing pushes the GPU harder right now.
Benching for overall graphics/gaming performance is 3DMark06