Need scary games!


Mar 30, 2014
Hello, I'm looking for some pc games that's actually scary, I've played: Silent Hill Series,
Fatal Frame 1,2,3, Resident Evil, They are good games but not that scary that makes be scream, like P.T. If any of you guys heard of any scary pc games that knocked your socks off I would like to hear about it 😀
Dead space,Outlast,Amnesia:The Dark Descent,Penumbra Overture,Fear series (Fear 2 is the scariest one in my opinion),Condemned criminal origins and condemned 2: bloodshot and Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl that's all i can think of right now


Thanks for the reply but I already have another post of the same the exact same thread. (double posted by accident)
I don't know how to remove it.
Here's the link the the other thread: