Need some CPU help/advice.


Nov 5, 2013
Hello, I'm just going to start off by saying I'm new to this community, and slightly new to computer components and their ratings. Anyways, on to the topic.

Okay, so I'm looking to get an EVGA Nvidia GTX 780 with ACX Cooling, as I had (unwillingly) gotten a pre-built "gaming" computer. I currently have a GeForce GT 620 GPU and an Intel Core i5 2320 CPU. Will my CPU be compatible, or at least able, to run with a 780? I've heard mine kinda sucks, so I just wanted to make sure before I go and waste my money, or without knowing I'd have to get a new CPU too. Thanks for the help in advance!

Ah, yes, I did plan on getting a new Power Supply as well. A 750 watt one I believe. I just need to be sure that my Processor can handle a 780 running BF4. I can currently run it, however terribly.

I will more than likely be playing 1600x900 (my native res), or I may downscale to 720 (because why not?). The PSU is an EVGA Nex 750 B. I believe that's what it is, the NewEgg link on it just has a bunch of mumbo-jumbo that would be too much to copy-paste.

Ok, not going to lie here. I'm getting the GPU for Christmas. xD I may plan on getting higher res monitors in the future, yes, but I may as well get what I can, especially since the 780 was marked down recently. As for the PSU, it's 60 dollars. I don't see why not xD

Could you recommend for me a cheap CPU that would do well?

Looked on PCPartPicker, and I saw it for about $200. I think it can wait... xD

Done. Wouldn't want to hold back your reputation 😉 Thanks for all the help :3