Well I just built my first rig and everything turned out perfect it was a budget build
Nothing too crazy lol I have an
-amd fx 4130
-zotac 4gb gt630
-corsair psu 500w
6 case fans
-corsair vengeful 8gb ram
-and a gigabyte mothorboard
Now my question is I only got this mothorboard because it had good reviews was cheap about 80$ and had about 15 USB ports 2.0 and 3.0
But I don't really
Know what makes the mothorboard great my step brother told me eh it's alright for
Now but you can't crossfire so sell it and I don't even know what that mean to crossfire and I do plan on getting amd fx 8000 and a desent gpu and about 700w psu but I still don't know what about my mothorboard and help I would approximate it thanks oh and if I make a new rig can I keep my windows 7 if I transfer over my harddrive
Nothing too crazy lol I have an
-amd fx 4130
-zotac 4gb gt630
-corsair psu 500w
6 case fans
-corsair vengeful 8gb ram
-and a gigabyte mothorboard
Now my question is I only got this mothorboard because it had good reviews was cheap about 80$ and had about 15 USB ports 2.0 and 3.0
But I don't really
Know what makes the mothorboard great my step brother told me eh it's alright for
Now but you can't crossfire so sell it and I don't even know what that mean to crossfire and I do plan on getting amd fx 8000 and a desent gpu and about 700w psu but I still don't know what about my mothorboard and help I would approximate it thanks oh and if I make a new rig can I keep my windows 7 if I transfer over my harddrive