Need suggestion for Router and ADSL Modem

Sep 6, 2018
Hi everyone,
I am looking to buy new router for my home network, currently I am using local ADSL internet.
When I was searching for different routers I have noticed that ram and is main factor, now my major concern is that If I will buy any good router having good memory and cpu but still my local adsl modem is cheap and old and my total users are 25 users but all users are connected through different routers and nobody is directly connect to adsl modem router. I have connected one tplink router to the modem nd then connect more users onward from this tplink router, so can I use a good cpu and ram router for my network or I must have to upgrade my adsl modem router first for good performance, because I think that if I will upgrade my wifi router but still my adsl modem is old so I will still face some lagging problem in my network.
My broadband DSL speed is
20Mbps Downlink
3Mbps Uplink


I would start at the modem. Where do you live? Can you change to a more conventional internet provider? I ask because all of the modems listed are pretty slow.

If your on ADSL you can buy a combined ADSL modem/WiFi router to replace your existing two-box setup --- much easier to set up than having two separate units, and no need to decide which one to replace first since you'll be replacing both of them with a single combo solution.
If u Ethernet directly into the modem and are getting full paid 20/3 I don't know why you would need to do anything here.

Now with 25 users, you, anybody would benefit from some traffic shaping, priority queuing, often referred to as QOS function on your NAT device.

i am bit confused because if i connect wifi from modem then after 4 to 5min of video calling it start lagging and same scenario is happening on wifi router so i ws thinking that if i upgrade my router but still my modem is old but then i will not connect any wifi device to this ol modem and connect whole wifi devices to new router so what will happen? because in current scenario i must have to restart my routers my modem once in a day aur twice a day.

Using the WiFi router/modem gets around a separate modem. Plus it allows faster upload and download than the ADSL separate modems that I found. And it was a a full featured WiFi Router.

For example:

ASUS DSL-AC88U AC3100 Dual Band ADSL / VDSL Gigabit Wi-Fi Modem Router

ADSL WiFi Routers

Yes you would be, because there are 2 variables. U should deal with one variable at a time.

Next times when this happens, connect yourself via ethernet, not WIFI, directly to the modem, shut all other clients down. Can u still stream without buffering? If yes problem is not with modem. May want to at this time run a speed test, are you getting your 20/3? if yes, again, modem is good enough.

Your next variable then is the WIFI router. Does its lights flash during normal operation? Do they stop flashing when problem occur? (am asking whether router crashed) what happens if you stop all other clients when you are stuck, do u remain stuck? (am asking whether there is WIFI congestion going on).

Get the gist? tackle one box at a time.

On second thought, maybe I am asking you to do too much, trying to understand what you are seeing, which may not mean anything to you. Perhaps it's just easier to buy a better box.