Need Suggestion to Replace my HD4850

Suryo Miles

Jan 30, 2014

I want to replace my dead XFX HD 4850 512mb on my old PC but i low on budget ( currently have 100$) so i really need a suggestion what ideally i can use for my pc

This the Specification
Motherboard : ECS H55M
PSU : Speed Power AX500-S 500W
Processor : Intel Core i3 530 2.93GHz
RAM : Muscle Power 2GB PC10600 i planning to upgrade it to 4GB along with VGA card
I run Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit

Can someone give me an advice, Thanks Before
(sorry for my bad english)

Assuming that PSU is of good quality and is safe, it appears to have good enough specs to run most cards well above your budget. So if you can still find a GTX 460 with GDDR5 VRAM and not the SE version, it would make a good improvement over the HD 7750 or even the HD 7770*.

Thank You for Answer

I Have another question if you dont mind

My friend suggesting me to get a secondhand GTS 450, GTS 250 or GTX 460 from NVIDIA but what concern me is can my system (especially my PSU) handle it?

Because i see a number of bad review for my PSU
I have no experience with that PSU. Never even heard of it. It may be a brand local to your part of the world. But 2 of the cards you listed would not be an improvement over the HD 7750 and require more power to do it.
GTS 450:
GTS 250:

The GTX 460 would be an improvement over the HD 7750, but you would have to be sure of your PSU.
GTX 460:
Can you read the nameplate on the PSU and tell me the amps and watts listed for the +12V rail(s)?
I apologize i late to answer

@clutchc : +12V1 = 25A and +12V2 = 18A ( 408W ), -12V = 0.5A ( 6W )
if i m not wrong, its called amacrox AX500-S before ( in the box its say amacrox OEM )

@vince232 : sorry but its overbudget for my, my currency is IDR (rupiah) and US Dollar currency is high for my country
(sorry for my bad english)

Assuming that PSU is of good quality and is safe, it appears to have good enough specs to run most cards well above your budget. So if you can still find a GTX 460 with GDDR5 VRAM and not the SE version, it would make a good improvement over the HD 7750 or even the HD 7770*.
