Need Suggestions For My PC Build (First PC Build)


Feb 14, 2017
Hello, I need suggestions for my build. I'm hesitant at my build idk why tho. Any suggestions or corrections on my build (if some parts are not compatible,etc) will do. Here's my build(It's for gaming and editing because i'm a student)

CPU: Intel Core i5 7500
MOBO: MSI B250M Gaming Pro
Graphics Card: Sapphire Nitro+ RX480 OC 4GB GDDR5
RAM: G Skill Ripjaws V 8GB Dual DDR4 2400
PSU: Seasonic S12ll 520W 80PLUS Bronze
Case: Sharkoon VG5-W
HDD: 1 TB WD Caviar

I'm not going to buy SSD cause i'm low on funds ._. also i'm from Philippines so i'm limited to stores but it's ok just post some good component and i'm gonna find it :) Also is it worth the wait for the Ryzen? I did my research before building my pc so I knew about Ryzen and Vega which is I think one of the hyped release of AMD.