If you spend thousands you will regret it later. You are not really doing anything - yet. You will eventually upgrade various pieces - u will know when and what and why.
Avoid brand names, buy parts. Everything for 1000ish maybe 1500 max with good monitor.
You need a guide who is tek savvy gamer. Don't mention prices, Just see what the list adds up to. Think - move slowly. Learn.
You already know more than you think - you could really learn if you bought a cheap used and tore it apart. Or rip apart the one you have. They are all the same - only different
Take it all apart. Then make it work again.
Avoid brand name case systems. Period.
Avoid the "bleeding edge of technology" $$$$$$$$$$$
Forget the wowee super performance bs.
Find "best bang for the buck" - need a guide.
A case is a bucket! start cheap
Pow supply - get 600 watts
HDD = 1x 500 Gig SATA2
Ram min = 2gigs u can add more EZ if needed = 2x1gig=2gigs DDR2
Mobo + CPU = these work together - almost married (the heart)
Video CARD = ATI HD4850 - DO NOT BUY ONBOARD VIDEO - MUST BE A CARD! well the mobo might havr onboard but you won't use it for gaming usually - it's ok for surfing
kb, mOUSE MONITOR - Whatever you like
SURGE PROTECTOR = good one about $40 - important!
Cheap HP AllInOne Printer - on sale usually
Forget about it lasting 10 yrs - they are all out of date in 5 or less.
Trying to futureproof is difficult.
Find the good pc shop near you - and do not trust them either
Be your own pc mechanic - tear that old 366 PII and research the net to see if you can find out anything aout the mobo chipset. It's an L? I forget - used to own one. LX? Better ones were BX. probably agp 4x
You will learn a lot of weird stuff. But your looking for everything for less than 1000-1500 - and that will be nice stuff - a rocket!
Make sure it will run Crysis.
BUY GENERIC - USED TO BE CALLED CLONES - but it's going to be your brand - all yours.
Find a guide to help you put it together and install your O/S
- but YOU DO IT!!!
Partition your HDD into 4 drives min.
Research the net and tek sites - google the whatever you don't know
Learn to read mobo manual = "specifications" IMPORTANT!!! This is how they hide the bs and the good stuff!!!!
Read forums and ask really stupid questions. Like this one
Good luck.