Question Need the bios for HIS Rx 480 8GB ICEQ X2 (Hynix Only)

Mar 29, 2019
Hello everyone

I have an HIS Rx 480 4gb IceQ X2 graphics card but since I have seen many people are able to unlock the remaining 4GB VRAM by modding/flashing their bios.
I also thought why not try it on my own, but I have not been able to find bios for my card, I just hope someone has it, if you do then please send me the link, so I can try my luck too.
Why not? You havent tried tho...
If its hard to find it or rarely someone has your GPU, why not asking them in first place, explain them and they should provide it to you.
I have bios for my card, I need bios for the 8gigs version. This card has total 8gigs of vram out which I can only use 4gigs since it's factory locked that's why I am looking for another bios in order to be able to flash my card and unlock the remaining 4gigs vram to make use of it.