Need to change write permission of a write protected folder.


Jul 29, 2014
Today I was transferring my sister's files to my external HDD and named that folder as Backup. Now I tried to open it to show my sister that i made a copy of her files so that she is safe and all of a sudden showed up a box saying: " *Folder path* is not accessible. This media is write protected."

I tried TAKE OWNERSHIP but no success.

Thank you for the help!
Boot up to a live cd such as Hiren's boot or a flavor of linux and boot to it. You will be able to to what ever you want as it will ignore permissions.

Thank you for your quick reply. Luckily i had Hiren's Boot CD on my USB. Thank you for that tip,although i had problems because it was on my External HDD and when i booted into Mini Windows XP it wouldnt recognize my eHDD. I tried copying the whole file to my desktop and then made changes. Thank you 😀. I wouldn't be able to move 32GB again... :/