Need to deal with gifted junk: GPU Edition

Blazer Orb

Jan 5, 2014
Copied and pasted from earlier:
I've been given a load of computers and other electronics, and I need to deal with them. I don't have the storage space so they get in the way.

Edit: Deleted useless WoT. I've dealt with miscellaneous stuff. Just wondering whether a couple of these cards might be worth keeping.
Also, if anyone wants any, they're yours for the price of shipping from AB, Canada.

Thanks all


So now I've gone through the box of expansion cards, and here I'm wondering about the GPU's that I got. They're all old af, AGP, and may or may not work. Here they (kind of) are:
- Radeon X1950 Pro HIS ICEQ3 Turbo -
^ The only one with a cooler that you would recognize as from a GPU today. Apparently has the problem of showing dots all over the screen.
- Radeon HD3650 256mb
- MSI 9600SE-175-10A 8932-120
- Vipper V770U 32mb
- NVidia FX 5200
- GForce2 MX200
- GForce2 MX400 (x2)
- GForce2 NV11 32mb
- Asus GeForce 6200 N6200/TD/128
- NVidia Vanta 16mb
- Trident 3DImage 9750
- Radeon 9250 128
- Rage Pro Turbo
- Rage 128 Pro
- Rage LT Pro
- 3D Rage II + DVD

So if I were to not recycle, say, 4, which would they be?
I also have a Sapphire HD 4650 and HIS HD 5450, but I don't need to be told that they are the only two here possibly worth anything to anyone.
Figure out just how much you think everything is worth. Then donate the whole lot to a tech school or other school that has pc building classes etc. Get a receipt and come next January chalk it up to charitable donation on your taxes. Other than that, you will be spending many fruitless days on eBay.
if the pc and printers work. look online or call there are non profits people looking for old working pc for low income and rural people. any old cable if it copper send it to a recyclable. same for any non working pc parts.