Need to fix my mb


Mar 24, 2017
I have a Intel DH61HO MB and a intel G630 dual core processor with a matrix 4gb RAM And a LG W1642S MONITOR .
I use my pc for learning purpose only so used the in built graphic with the VGA port on the mb.I have been running win 7 and xp sp 3 both. Everything is working just fine for 5 years but one day suddenly my pc switched off and when I turned it on it boots up to the windows loading screen then display turns off but pc is still running.It happens with both the os.
It turns on in safe mode and when i changed resolution from 1280×786 to 1280×720 in safe mode and turned on win 7 surprisingly it booted and started working but when i start any application like any full screen game display goes off when i close it display comes back.
I think the Major problem is resolution. When resolution changes display goes off.
I tried to reinstall the intel hd graphic driver but nothing happened. Due to it i can't even acces the bios and can't format my pc.
What to do?
Please help!!!!!!!!!.

OP has integrated graphics, resolution on integrated graphics is not a PSU problem.

If it works in safe mode and not in normal mode either a driver or someting in windows is messed up.
Go to motherboard vendor's site and download the newest version of drivers, especially for VGA/Viideo and chipset.

If that does not work then you may have to reinstall OS.