Need to identify a microchip for replacement in my laptop

Nov 21, 2018
Hi Guys, i need to identify my blown microchip for replacement in a laptop and possibly if anyone in sydney australia who has the equipment to replace it with.
That large BGA is either the CPU or chipset. Either way, replacing a large BGA chip on a motherboard is a somewhat difficult task even with a BGA reflow station. For the chip to blow up like this, it may mean that the VRM powering it has also blown and needs to be fixed.

Much simpler, safer and possibly cheaper to just get a whole replacement board.
Yup, it's toast. Even if it was worth spending a lot of money to have the CPU replaced, you'd still have to deal with the underlying *cause* of this issue and the very real possibility that whatever fried the CPU has done less visibly obvious things to other parts of the motherboard.

It's either a new motherboard at a non-crazy price or a new laptop.