need to know graphics card detail


Nov 24, 2017
I want to purchase a new graphics card,asus GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB STRIX oc Ediction this is good match for asus rog maximus x hero?
The perfect gfx card for a i7-8700K sitting on a ROG motherboard would probably not be anything as mid-range (ish) as a GTX 1050 Ti. That is a high end platform you have that begs for a high end card and gaming at high rez and high refresh rates.
But if you're trying to keep the system all-Asus, the the Stryx line is a good choice.
If you still need a PSU, you won't go wrong with almost any Seasonic.

thanxs but i need to know top match like a these asus rog maximum x hero perfect match for these kind of graphic card is perfect match now i have i7 8700k and these rog mother board and ripsaw ddr 4 ram 16gb.. now all i want o know the perfect match of PSU and graphics card 4 gb
The perfect gfx card for a i7-8700K sitting on a ROG motherboard would probably not be anything as mid-range (ish) as a GTX 1050 Ti. That is a high end platform you have that begs for a high end card and gaming at high rez and high refresh rates.
But if you're trying to keep the system all-Asus, the the Stryx line is a good choice.
If you still need a PSU, you won't go wrong with almost any Seasonic.

oh yap i try to build a high end system that only i have choose this config... and yap u got the point i very careful for that stryx line becoze its give good perform so i have pending these peripherals graphics card and PSU ... here a friend told me choose 1200W PSU unit for this config its good choise but i need a word from expert like u becoze u guys lot of experience .. thats only..
1200W?! Not for the GTX 1050 Ti. Most run on a 300W stock PSU. Although, the Stryx 1050 Ti uses a 6-pin auxiliary power connector and will require more than that. Perhaps 400W min. But if you want to plan for the future and a faster gfx card (or two), then 850W or so is a good choice.

oh really but asus rog maximus x hero to get high watt i guss that only i try to choose that 1200w i not gonna plan to two additional gfx card i plan only for one gfx card for 4 gb i like heavy card and also i have 5 HDD in 4 TB that also i want connect that mother board

mainly yap gaming.......... and also my regular use

oh ok then .... give some high end gaming config details no worry about money but not too much i7-8700k or AMD RYZAN.... give me some clear detail mother board and gfx card and RAM and PSU unit processor i ll wait for u r reply
and i have plan to build this i tell u the config tell me the better detail

i7-8700k caffe lake 6 core
Z-370--asus rog maximus x hero (wi-fi -AC)
g.skill RIPJAW -V series 16GB Ram
hyper 212 evo 82.9 sleeve cooler master

oh thanxs man thats i want to hear ....well finally PSU is 800W enough i guss?
and i choose ASUS GeForce 6GB Dual-Fan OC Edition VR Ready Dual HDMI DP 1.4 Gaming Graphics Card DUAL-GTX1060-O6G ROG STRIX 6GB i hope its good config

oh really u know y i choose 800w means i connect five. 4 TB HDD and extra cooling fans thats only i choose 800w and also i maximum run my system 24* 2 month ..... every two month only shut down my computer because i use my old system like that.. so i need some heavy PSU ...
.....CIRCLE CG Raw Power 1700W APFC ATX Gaming SMPS PSU Power Supply.. tell me about this .